Smart Airport Systems Engine OFF solution is currently deployed in below airports.

TaxiBot is the best and only alternate taxing solution with no increase in weight of the aircraft and meeting all Safety and Regulatory requirements . TaxiBot operations enhance safety by automatically limiting speed in apron, with its onboard GPS and pre-fed airport maps.
TaxiBot features options to limit maximum speed as per SOPs when conditions are wet or contaminated.
Captain Pranav SoodChief Pilot Technical - India AirAsia
The system is great. The TaxiBot is self explanatory, easy to learn, easy to use.
More or less you feel like you have the engines turned on
Lufthansa B737 Captain
It’s quite natural. You can taxi the plane without any training more or less
Air FranceA320 Captain
I feel really comfortable, especially with the slip-trail on the
runways and taxiways
China EasternA340 Captain
A big advantage using the TaxiBot is on icy or slippery surfaces where traction is
now better and safety is increased when turning
LufthansaB747 Captain
My general impression was very favorable. TaxiBot is similar to taxiing the airplane
on its own power
Major US AirlineCaptain
It will take an average pilot about 5-10 minutes to get used to the system.
Overall its an intuitive system. I don't see any key training issues for pilots
Major European AirlineCaptain